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Effect of severe diarrhoea on kidney transplant outcomes

Nephrology Feb 02, 2020

Kim JE, et al. - In this retrospective analysis of kidney transplant recipients, researchers focused on the influence of diarrhoea on transplant outcomes. They defined diarrhoea group as one comprising patients with diarrhoea as the main complaint at admission. They compared diarrhoea group with non-diarrhoea groups in terms of transplant outcomes. Of 1,704 kidney recipients, 84 (4.9%) suffered severe diarrhoea necessitating hospitalization. Higher risks of graft failure and all-cause mortality were observed in patients with diarrhoea vs those without diarrhoea. The diarrhoea group also showed an elevated risk of de novo donor-specific antibody, although no change in the risk of biopsy-proven rejection was evident. A significant link was identified between incomplete recovery from concurrent acute kidney injury and graft loss. Overall, findings revealed the link of diarrhoea with poor graft and patients’ outcomes in kidney recipients. For obtaining improved graft survival, an attempt to recover from concurrent acute kidney injury is crucial.
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