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Effect of remote patient management in peritoneal dialysis on hemodynamic and volume control

Nephrology Jul 09, 2020

Yeter HH, Karacalik C, Eraslan E, et al. - This observational and cross‐sectional analysis was undertaken to assess blood pressure alteration as well as antihypertensive requirements of patients within one year following changeover to remote monitoring automated peritoneal dialysis (RM‐APD). Experts also compared the impact of RM‐APD and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) on peripheral as well as central hemodynamic parameters, volume status of patients and antihypertensive drug requirements. In addition to 15 patients performing CAPD, 20 patients performing RM‐APD, this study also included 38 age, and gender‐matched healthy controls. A significant difference in mean diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, central systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and central pulse pressure was evident between the RM‐APD, CAPD and healthy control. Overall, findings revealed that RM‐APD afforded better control of peripheral blood pressure as well as reduction of central hemodynamic parameters through controlling the excess body water.

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