Effect of post-free distraction hip arthroscopy on acute pain, discharge time and narcotic use
Arthroscopy Jan 31, 2021
Kollmorgen RC, Ellis T, Lewis B, et al. - Researchers assumed that post-free distraction patients would have decreased acute post-operative pain, quicker time to discharge, and require fewer narcotics in the acute phase as compared to techniques utilizing a peroneal post. Researchers conducted a multicenter retrospective matched study to compare 50 peroneal post patients to 50 with post-free distraction. They examined Post Anesthesia Care Unit, PACU, Visual Analog Scale initial, Visual Analog Scale (VAS) max, and VAS at discharge as well as narcotic use in the PACU represented as Morphine Equivalents, MEQ. They conducted a T-test for significance. All measures were decreased in the post-free distraction group and a significant decrease was observed in maximum pain and narcotics consumed in this retrospective comparative study. In this multi-center study, post-free distraction has shown to decrease time to discharge, acute postoperative pain, and narcotic requirement.
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