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Effect of plasma sodium concentration on blood pressure regulators during hemodialysis: A randomized crossover study

BMC Nephrology Aug 27, 2018

Ettema EM, et al. - Researchers aimed at examining if the biofeedback system Hemocontrol, characterized by initially higher dialysate and plasma sodium levels as a model for an acute and transient increase of plasma sodium levels, is correlated with a different intradialytic course of vasopressin and its surrogate marker copeptin and various markers of endothelial function and sympathetic activity compared with standard hemodialysis. As per findings, no influence of a transient intradialytic increase in plasma sodium on the indices of endothelial function or sympathetic activity compared with standard hemodialysis was evident, but it corresponded with higher plasma vasopressin levels. Vasopressin might mediate the beneficial effect of higher intradialytic sodium levels on hemodynamic stability.
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