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Effect of physical state on pain mediated through emotional health in rheumatoid arthritis

Arthritis Care & Research Aug 08, 2019

Nakagami Y, Sugihara G, Takei N, et al. - A total of 548 individuals with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) enrolled in a study by the researchers in order to quantify the impact of emotional health or the indirect influence of the physical state mediated by emotional health on pain in RA individuals. In individuals with RA, the prevalence of anxiety and depression was 18.7% and 29.4%, respectively. The physical state significantly affected emotional health. Physical and emotional health influenced pain. The impact of the physical state on pain was mediated by emotional health, with this mediation impression accounting for 10.2% of the total impression. Therefore, the mediation impact of emotional health, as well as the direct physical state, ascertained the magnitude of pain in RA. Thus, when evaluating RA disease activity, emotional factors should be acknowledged.
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