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Effect of older vs younger age on anthropometric and metabolic variables during treatment of psychotic depression with sertraline plus olanzapine: The STOP-PD II Study

The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry Nov 21, 2020

Flint AJ, Rothschild AJ, Whyte EM, et al. - During extended treatment of psychotic depression with sertraline plus olanzapine, researchers here examined how older vs younger age affects change in anthropometric and metabolic measures. Treatment with open-label sertraline plus olanzapine was provided for up to 12 weeks to 269 men and women aged 18-85 years with an episode of psychotic depression. During the combined acute and stabilization phases of the study, those aged 60 years or older experienced less weight gain and less increase in cholesterol vs those aged 18-59 years. Weight gained during the acute and stabilization phases in the older group seemed to be partial restoration of weight lost during the index episode of depression; weight gain in younger participants was not.

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