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Effect of nephrology follow-up on long-term outcomes in patients with acute kidney injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Nephrology Feb 08, 2020

Ye N, et al. - Given a link of acute kidney injury (AKI) with poor short-term and long-term clinical results, researchers investigated the role of nephrology follow-up in post-AKI management by performing a systematic review and meta-analysis of all randomized controlled trials and observational researches evaluating the impact of nephrology follow-up on patients’ clinical results. All-cause mortality was the primary outcome. Of identified 6 studies, including 8,972 patients, and with a mean follow-up of 49 months, only 4 were found eligible for inclusion. Experts noted that current evidence provided by observational studies was biased and was suggestive of the benefit of post-discharge nephrology follow-up on long-term survival in AKI patients. However, because of its low quality, such evidence is only hypothesis generating but it affords a rationale for future randomized controlled trials of nephrology follow-up in AKI patients.
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