Effect of neighborhood food environment and socioeconomic status on serum phosphorus level for patients on chronic dialysis
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Sep 17, 2020
Potluri VS, Sawinski D, Tam V, et al. - Given that a greater risk of mortality in relation to elevated blood phosphorus levels has been observed in patients undergoing chronic dialysis, so, researchers examined the links between neighborhood food environment or socioeconomic status and serum phosphorus concentration in patients undergoing incident dialysis. For this purpose, they used longitudinal data from a national dialysis provider and developed hierarchical, linear mixed-effects models. This cohort study involved 258,510 patients on chronic hemodialysis in 2005–2013. In this patient population, findings showed no link of phosphorus levels with neighborhood availability of healthy food choices or with neighborhood income. Experts inferred that compared with food environment, more powerful contributors to increased phosphorus may be modifying factors, such as nutrition literacy, individual-level financial resources, and adherence to diet restrictions and medications.
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