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Effect of methylprednisolone in periarticular infiltration for primary total knee arthroplasty on pain and rehabilitation

Journal of Arthroplasty Jun 06, 2019

Kulkarni M, et al. - Researchers examined how adding corticosteroid in periarticular infiltration cocktail influence postoperative pain management and rehabilitation in patients undergoing simultaneous bilateral total knee arthroplasty (TKA). In 50 patients with symptomatic end-stage bilateral knee osteoarthritis undergoing bilateral TKA under the same anesthetic, more painful knee was operated first, and the study solution containing ropivacaine, clonidine, epinephrine, and ketorolac with methylprednisolone was infiltrated in one knee and an identical mixture but without methylprednisolone was infiltrated in the second knee. Outcomes revealed a reduction of pain in the early postoperative period and regain of knee flexion more quickly in significant correlation to the addition of methylprednisolone to periarticular infiltration cocktail for patients undergoing TKA.
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