Effect of low-dose atrial natriuretic peptide in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury: A retrospective, single-center study with propensity-score matching
BMC Nephrology Feb 07, 2020
Saito K, et al. - By performing this single-center, retrospective, observational study, researchers intended to clarify the treatment effects of low-dose atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) for acute kidney injury (AKI) in critically ill patients, given it has shown effectiveness in preventing AKI, particularly in cardiovascular surgery patients. From January 2010 to December 2017, patients with AKI diagnosed within 7 days post-ICU admission were included. In a propensity-matched analysis, experts estimated the treatment impact of low-dose carperitide (a recombinant human ANP) on the clinical results. A composite of mortality, renal replacement therapy dependence, or no recovery from AKI (defined as a rise of the serum creatinine level to ≥ 200% of baseline) at hospital discharge was assessed as the primary outcome. The occurrence of primary outcome was noted more frequently in the treatment group vs in the control group. Overall, findings revealed no treatment effect of low-dose ANP in general critically ill patients who developed AKI.
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