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Effect of light-cured resin cement application on translucency of ceramic veneers and light transmission of LED polymerization units

Journal of Prosthodontics Jun 15, 2018

Zhang L, et al. - Researchers assessed the impact of light-cured resin cement application based on etching and silanization on the translucent property of ceramic veneers in different thicknesses, testing the premise that the surface treatment and subsequent resin cement application could influence the translucency of ceramic veneers, as well as determine the association between translucency of ceramic veneers and light transmission irradiated by LED polymerization units. It was observed that the ceramic veneers (less than 0.7-mm thick) were less translucent, and the translucency reduced when the thickness increased after the light-cured resin cement application based on etching and silanization. Findings suggested that the light intensity of LED units transmitted to resin layer would decrease when curing because of the lower translucency of ceramic veneers.
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