Effect of L-carnitine on amino acid metabolism in elderly patients undergoing regular hemodialysis
Blood Purification Jan 29, 2020
Kido J, Inoue H, Shimotsu H, et al. - Given patients regularly receiving hemodialysis frequently develop hypocarnitinaemia, researchers focused on the influences of L-carnitine supplementation on patients suffering from end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) who underwent hemodialysis. The study sample comprised 31 patients with ESKD, including 18 men and 13 women, having a median age of 72 years, who received regular hemodialysis and were administered L-carnitine for 1 year. A significant increment was evident in the median serum total and free carnitine and acylcarnitine levels, from 34.5, 20.9, and 14.1 µmol/L, respectively to 407.4, 270.2, and 155.0 µmol/L, respectively, posttreatment. A rise was detected in the median blood valine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, and citrulline levels, from 0.94, 0.45, 0.61, and 1.04 mg/dL, respectively to 1.24, 0.76, 0.90, and 1.22 mg/dL, respectively, after treatment with L-carnitine; however, a reduction was obvious in the median blood arginine level from 0.20 to 0.09 mg/dL posttreatment. Overall, treatment with L-Carnitine brought about a rise in the blood acylcarnitine levels, improved fatty acid metabolism, and modified amino acids metabolism; this may be beneficial for energy generation within the cardiac and skeletal muscles.
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