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Effect of kidney function on relationships between lifestyle behaviors and mortality or cardiovascular outcomes: A pooled cohort analysis

Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Feb 10, 2021

Schrauben SJ, Hsu JY, Amaral S, et al. - Given that risks of cardiovascular disease and death are attenuated by adherence to healthy behaviors in the general population but such advantages have not been established in patients suffering from kidney disease, therefore, researchers examined links between healthy behaviors (not smoking, at advised body mass index, physical activity, healthy diet, and moderate to no alcohol consumption) and results (all-cause mortality, major coronary events, ischemic stroke, and heart failure events), by pooling data from three cohort studies comprising 27,271 participants. Based on eGFR (≥ 60, 45 to < 60, and < 45 ml/min per 1.73 m2), renal function was grouped. Findings revealed that lower risk of death and cardiovascular disease events was observed in relation to recommended lifestyle behaviors in people with or without decreased renal function, this observation lends support to lifestyle behaviors as potentially changeable risk factors for patients suffering from renal disorder.

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