Effect of intravaginal prasterone on sexual dysfunction in postmenopausal women with vulvovaginal atrophy
The Journal of Sexual Medicine Feb 17, 2019
Labrie F, et al. - In this placebo-controlled, prospective, double-blind and randomized study, researchers assessed the benefits of daily intravaginal dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) for 12 weeks on sexual function using the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire. They noticed an increase in the FSFI domain desire over placebo by 0.24 unit, arousal by 0.42 unit, lubrication by 0.57 unit, orgasm by 0.32 unit, satisfaction by 0.44 unit, and pain at sexual activity by 0.62 unit. On the other hand, they noted a superiority of 2.59 units in the DHEA group over placebo or a 41.3% greater change than placebo in the total FSFI score.
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