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Effect of high dose folic acid supplementation in pregnancy on pre-eclampsia (FACT): Double blind, phase III, randomised controlled, international, multicentre trial

BMJ Sep 17, 2018

Wen SW, et al. - This randomized, phase 3, double blinded international, multicenter clinical trial was conducted at 70 obstetrical centers in five countries (Argentina, Australia, Canada, Jamaica, and UK) to test the effectiveness of high dose folic acid (four 1.0 mg oral tablets) supplementation for preventing pre-eclampsia in women with at least one risk factor (pre-existing hypertension, prepregnancy diabetes (type 1 or 2), twin pregnancy, pre-eclampsia in a previous pregnancy, or body mass index ≥35). Researchers found that pre-eclampsia was not prevented in women at high risk for this condition with folic acid supplementation (4.0 mg/day) beyond the first trimester. No statistically significant differences were noted in reported adverse events or severe adverse events between the folic acid group and the placebo group.

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