Effect of extended hours dialysis on markers of chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder in the ACTIVE Dialysis study
BMC Nephrology Jul 18, 2019
Zhan Z, et al. - Given that an important reason for morbidity among haemodialysis patients is Chronic Kidney Disease - Mineral and Bone Disorder, which is related to pathological alterations in phosphate, calcium and parathyroid hormone (PTH), and serum phosphate reduction has been reported in relation to extended hours dialysis in the ACTIVE Dialysis study, with no significant changes in PTH or serum calcium, researchers performed this secondary analysis to investigate whether changes in related therapies could have affected these findings and to determine differences between patient subgroups. For 12 months, a total of 200 participants in the ACTIVE Dialysis study were randomized to extended hours haemodialysis (≥24 h/week) or conventional haemodialysis (≤18 h/week). An attenuation in serum phosphate levels was induced by extended hours haemodialysis, independently, with minimally changing serum calcium and PTH levels. Across patient subgroups, the consistency of these findings was evident, with a few exceptions.
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