Effect of cyclotorsion compensation with a novel technique in small incision lenticule extraction surgery for the correction of myopic astigmatism
Journal of Refractive Surgery May 10, 2019
Xu J, et al. - This prospective, double-blinded, randomized controlled trial compares the results of small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) surgery for the correction of myopic astigmatism with or without cyclotorsion compensation. There were 66 patients evaluated in the trial (total of 132 eyes), with a follow up of 3 months. The investigators randomly divided the two eyes of a single patient into the static cyclotorsion compensation (SCC) group and the control group. The SCC group received intraoperative cyclotorsion, manually compensated through a novel technique while the control group was not compensated. The final outcome showcased that cyclotorsion compensation technique reduces the alignment error but was not mandatory in SMILE surgery, as the effect was minimal to show any change in the astigmatism outcome.
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