Effect of cumulative fluid balance on acute kidney injury and patient outcomes after orthotopic liver transplantation: A retrospective cohort study
Nephrology Mar 07, 2020
Zhang S, Ma J, An R, et al. - In this retrospective analysis of 146 adult patients who had orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT), researchers focused on the impacts of cumulative fluid balance (FB) on early acute kidney injury (AKI) as well as adverse outcomes after OLT. In addition, they tried to develop a model to predict AKI. They noted that AKI occurred in 50% (66/132) of patients within the perioperative duration of 72 h; AKI stages 1, 2, and 3 were detected in 36(54%), 16(24%), and 14(21%) patients, respectively. The cumulative FB was identified as the risk factor for post-OLT AKI. A protective impact of preoperative albumin against the development of post-OLT AKI was reported. The AKI group experienced lower complication-free survival. Overall, cumulative fluid balance within 72 h was found to be related to post-OLT AKI and requires renal replacement therapy. An influence of cumulative fluid balance on the long-term complication-free survival of the recipients was evident.
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