Effect of chronic kidney disease on the progression of clinical attachment loss in older adults: A 4-year cohort study
Journal of Periodontology Feb 22, 2019
Iwasaki M, et al. - Investigators estimated 388 community-dwelling Japanese adults of age 70 years with 7,053 teeth to analyze the link between chronic kidney disease (CKD) and changes in periodontal health status in this 4-year cohort study. They noted 27.8% of the total candidates had CKD at baseline. After 4 years, attachment loss (AL) progression was reported in 21.8% of the studied teeth. They noted an association of CKD with significantly higher odds of AL progression, after adjusting for sex, use of devices for interdental cleaning, smoking, diabetes, tooth location, an abutment for a removable denture, and highest AL.
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