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Effect of chlorhexidine treatment prior to fiber post cementation on long-term resin cement bond strength

Operative Dentistry Mar 21, 2018

Durski M, et al. - Experts aimed to assess the push-out bond strength of 2 different adhesive cements (total etch and self-adhesive) for glass fiber post (GFP) cementation in simulated, long-term service (thermocycling) when the root canal was treated with chlorhexidine before cementation. They noted that higher bond strength was produced by both resin cements in the cervical third followed by the middle third, and lower values were detected in the apical third. Highest push-out bond strength was produced by the use of an additional disinfection treatment with chlorhexidine before the cement application regardless of root third. Also, the bond strength was decreased by the thermocycling simulation for both resin cements long-term when the chlorhexidine was not applied before cementation. Nonetheless, the bond strength increased after 0, 20,000 and 40,000 cycles, when the root canal was treated with chlorhexidine and the fiber post was cemented with self-adhesive cement.
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