Effect of cervical priming with misoprostol on cervical entry in women undergoing vaginoscopic hysteroscopy for evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding: A randomized controlled trial
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics Apr 12, 2018
Nandhini B, et al. - The effect of cervical priming with misoprostol on cervical entry was determined in women undergoing diagnostic hysteroscopy for evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding. Women who received 200-μg vaginal misoprostol, 3 h prior to vaginoscopic hysteroscopy, displayed significantly lower median pain scoring by Visual Analog Scale and the median procedural entry time compared to women in whom no drug was used. Outcomes thereby suggest that use of 200-μg vaginal misoprostol, administered vaginally 3 h before diagnostic vaginoscopic hysteroscopy, is a simple and effective method of cervical priming in facilitating cervical entry with minimal side effects.
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