Effect of ceramic material and resin cement systems on the color stability of laminate veneers after accelerated aging
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Jan 11, 2018
Lee SM, et al. - The clinicians performed this study to assess the color stability of laminate veneers after accelerated aging using different ceramic and resin cement systems. Findings revealed that ceramic and resin-cement systems influenced the color stability of laminate veneers. High translucency (HT) lithium disilicate ceramics showed greater color changes upon aging, relative to other ceramics. They recommended the use of transparent shade resin cement for HT ceramics. The lower the brightness of resin cement, the higher the color stability of veneers. Compared to dual polymerization, light polymerization did not yield better color stability over time for luting of 0.5-mm-thick laminate veneers with dual-polymerizing cement.
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