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Effect of cataract surgery on wet age‐related macular degeneration activity

Acta Ophthalmologica May 06, 2021

Karesvuo P, Elbaz U, Achiron A, et al. - Researchers conducted this retrospective registry‐based study to examine whether cataract surgery in wet age‐related macular degeneration (AMD) patients affects its course and the relationship to how it influences clinical outcomes. One hundred and eleven eyes of 111 patients (38 males and 73 females), mean age 78.9 ± 5.6 years, with wet AMD underwent cataract surgery at Helsinki University Hospital in Finland during 2014–2018. Macular status at surgery, wet AMD subtype, comorbidity of type II diabetes, systemic drugs and topical anti‐inflammatory medication were not linked to macular changes nor with treatment intervals after surgery. Patients with wet AMD who underwent cataract surgery had good visual outcomes and controlled disease activity. There was no evidence to support postponing surgery in patients who needed it.

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