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Effect of blue LED phototherapy centered at 478 nm vs 459 nm in hyperbilirubinemic neonates: A randomized study

Pediatric Research Apr 29, 2020

Ebbesen F, Rodrigo-Domingo M, Moeller AM, et al. - Researchers conducted this randomized nonblinded clinical trial to analyze the impact of blue LED phototherapy centered at 478 nm vs 459 nm in hyperbilirubinemic neonates. Healthy hyperbilirubinemic neonates with gestational age ≥ 33 weeks were inclusion criteria. In the treatment of hyperbilirubinemic late preterm or term neonates, blue LED light centered at 478 nm had a greater in vivo bilirubin-reducing effect compared with blue LED light centered at 459 nm with equal irradiance quantified as photon fluence rate. Therefore, blue LED light centered at 478 nm, instead of blue light centered at 459 nm, should be used. It could mitigate the risk of possible side effects, and potentially reduce the duration of the phototherapy.

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