Effect of benign prostatic hyperplasia on the development of the spine, hip, and wrist fractures
Osteoporosis International Feb 04, 2019
Yang SC, et al. - Researchers assessed the data retrospectively from the National Health Insurance Research Database of Taiwan to estimate the impacts of benign prostatic hyperplasia on the development of spine, hip, and wrist fractures among 48,114 subjects. They classified the comorbidities as those existing before the index day and added a previous fracture history, osteoporosis, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cerebrovascular accident, etc. They observed more prevalence to develop new vertebral compression fractures in the thoracic spine and lumbar spine, and hip fracture among individuals with benign prostatic hyperplasia. They did not find any increment in the risk of wrist fracture.
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