Effect of adductor canal block on acute perioperative pain and function in total knee arthroplasty
Journal of Arthroplasty Mar 01, 2019
Rames RD, et al. - investigators retrospectively analyzed 624 candidates with a mean age of 64.5 years to estimate the result of adductor canal block on short-term postoperative outcomes like the length of stay (LOS), post-operative narcotic utilization, and function with physical therapy in the management of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) from January 2014-January 2018. They did not observe a decrease in post-operative pain medication utilization after adductor canal blocks. The cost-effectiveness of this intervention was not supported by the economic improvement in distance ambulated with therapy on POD1 (16 ft) and length of stay (16% greater POD1 discharges).
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