Effect of acupuncture vs sham acupuncture on live births among women undergoing in vitro fertilization: A randomized clinical trial
JAMA May 18, 2018
Smith CA, et al. - A single-blind, parallel-group randomized clinical trial was conducted to ascertain the effectiveness of acupuncture compared with a sham acupuncture control performed during in vitro fertilization (IVF) on live births. Administration of acupuncture vs sham acupuncture at the time of ovarian stimulation and embryo transfer resulted in no significant difference in live birth rates among women undergoing IVF. Among women undergoing IVF, these findings did not support the use of acupuncture to improve the rate of live births.
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- This trial involving eight hundred forty-eight women undergoing a fresh IVF cycle was conducted at 16 IVF centers in Australia and New Zealand between June 29, 2011, and October 23, 2015, with 10 months of pregnancy follow-up until August 2016.
- Interventions included assignment of women to either acupuncture (n = 424) or a sham acupuncture control (n = 424).
- Participants received first treatment between days 6 to 8 of follicle stimulation.
- Before and after embryo transfer, 2 treatments were administered.
- A noninvasive needle placed away from the true acupuncture points was used by the sham control .
- Live birth, defined as the delivery of 1 or more living infants at greater than 20 weeks’ gestation or birth weight of at least 400 g was the primary outcome.
- Findings revealed that among 848 randomized women, 24 withdrew consent, 824 were incorporated into the examination (mean [SD] age, 35.4 [4.3] years); 371 [45.0%] had undergone more than 2 previous IVF cycles), 607 proceeded to an embryo transfer, and 809 (98.2%) had data available on live birth outcomes.
- Researchers observed that live births occurred among 74 of 405 women (18.3%) receiving acupuncture compared with 72 of 404 women (17.8%) receiving sham control (risk difference, 0.5% [95% CI, -4.9% to 5.8%]; relative risk, 1.02 [95% CI, 0.76 to 1.38]).
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