Effect of a semirigid thoracolumbar orthosis on gait and sagittal alignment in patients with an osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture
Clinical Interventions in Aging Apr 19, 2019
Jacobs E, et al. - In patients with an osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture (OVCF), researchers investigated how gait was directly influenced by a semirigid thoracolumbar orthosis. They also focused on alterations in gait, radiographic sagittal alignment, pain, and quality of life over time. They examined 15 postmenopausal patients treated with a semirigid thoracolumbar orthosis, at baseline, after 6 weeks, and after 6 months, via gait analysis combined with clinical and radiographic assessments. A more upright posture, which may lead to decreased compressive loading of the vertebrae, was seen with a semirigid thoracolumbar orthosis and therefore, a positive impact of this orthosis on gait and stability in patients suffering from an OVCF was suggested.
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