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Effect of 6 months of flash glucose monitoring in youth with type 1 diabetes and high-risk control: A randomized controlled trial

Diabetes Care Aug 18, 2020

Boucher SE, Gray AR, Wiltshire EJ, et al. - This multicenter 6-month randomized, controlled, parallel-arm trial was undertaken to determine if intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitoring (isCGM) significantly enhance glycemic control compared with capillary self-monitored blood glucose (SMBG) in youth with type 1 diabetes and high-risk glycemic control. The sample consisted of 64 candidates, aged 13 to 20 years, with established type 1 diabetes and glycated hemoglobin ≥ 9% (≥ 75 mmol/mol). According to findings, isCGM contributed to improvements in glucose testing frequency and diabetes treatment satisfaction for youth with high-risk glycemic control. These did not, however, lead to a greater improvement in glycemic control over usual SMBG care at 6 months.

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