Early vs standard screening and treatment of gestational diabetes in high-risk women – An attempt to determine relative advantages and disadvantages
Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases Mar 08, 2019
Bianchi C, et al. - In this retrospective study, researchers determined the impact of early screening (16-18 weeks) and treatment of Gestational Diabetes (GDM) on maternal and fetal outcomes in 290 women at high-risk for GDM. They compared the outcomes between early vs standard screening and on the basis of GDM diagnosis time. In this study, 50% of high-risk women underwent early screening, among those, the first evaluation revealed GDM in 42.7%. Findings revealed that similar short-term maternal-fetal outcomes were seen in relation to early vs standard screening and treatment of GDM in high-risk women. However, treatment with insulin therapy was received more by women with an early diagnosis.
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