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Early surgery with antibiotic medication was effective and efficient in treating pyogenic spondylodiscitis

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Mar 27, 2021

Guo W, Wang M, Chen G, et al. - This study was carried out to investigate the most indicative diagnostic method and assess the impact of surgery comprising of debridement, instrumentation, and fusion in treating pyogenic spondylodiscitis (PSD). Researchers retrospectively included a total of 76 patients with PSD who underwent surgical intervention. They evaluated the medical documents, corrections of spinal alignment, and improvements in neurological function. They compared surgical approaches in lumbar surgeries regarding the improvements in lordotic angle and neurological function. The data demonstrate that the increased c-reactive protein and/or ESR, with focal hyper-intensity on contrast-enhanced MRI are suggestive of possible PSD. The outcomes of this research exhibited that surgical intervention comprising of debridement, short-segment instrumentation, and fusion that early applied to the PSD patients followed by postoperative antibiotic therapy have illustrated preferable outcomes, but need further evaluation.

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