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Early screening for posttraumatic stress disorder and depression among injured emergency department patients: A feasibility study

Academic Emergency Medicine Jul 19, 2019

Jaramillo S, et al. - Researchers investigated if screening for posttraumatic sequelae is feasible among adults with minor injury in the emergency department (ED) and determined the correlation between ED screening and later psychological symptoms and poor quality of life (QOL) at 6 weeks postinjury. One hundred forty-nine injured patients who reported serious injury and/or life threat in the past 24 hours in the EDs of two Level I trauma centers were enrolled. To screen for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression in the ED, the Posttraumatic Adjustment Scale was completed by the subjects, and 6 weeks later assessments for symptoms of PTSD, depression, and trauma-specific QOL (T-QoL) were completed by them. They noted the significant association of a positive ED screen for both PTSD and depression with 6 weeks PTSD and depressive symptoms, respectively. Further, there was asignificant association of a positive ED screen for depression and PTSD with lower T-QoL. Results thereby support that identification of patients at risk for postinjury sequelae in the ED is feasible. Patients in need of early intervention and further monitoring could be identified via screening for mental health risk.
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