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Early outcomes and radiographic alignment of the Infinity total ankle replacement with a minimum of two year follow-up data

Foot and Ankle Surgery Jan 14, 2019

King A, et al. -Researchers compared 20 implants to a control group of 20 Zenith TAR’s (Corin, Cirencester, UK) to estimate the early consequences and radiographic alignment of the Infinity total ankle replacement (a low profile, fluoroscopically navigated, fixed-bearing device) with a minimum of 2-year follow-up. They observed median deviations of 1.5° and 1.2° in the anterior-posterior and lateral planes respectively, from 90° alignment to the anatomical axis of the tibia. They recorded complications like one intraoperative medial malleolar tip avulsion fracture, one medial malleolar stress fracture, and one candidate who developed CRPS. A reduction in MOx-FQ scores from a pre-operative mean of 63.9 ∓ 17.1 to 15 ∓ 12.7 at 2 years was also noted. They recorded improvement in EQ-5D VAS scores from 71.3 ∓ 17.3 to 81.4 ∓ 9.7 points concluding satisfactory implant survival and complication profile at a minimum of 2 years.

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