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Early ophthalmic changes in macula does not correlate with visual function

Clinical Ophthalmology Sep 07, 2020

Narayanan D, Wallstrom G, Rodriguez J, et al. - This study was undertaken to determine if minimal macular ophthalmoscopic changes corresponded to changes in visual function. A retinal specialist, using 5x magnification for possible minimal macular anomalies, further analyzed color macular photos from a group of older individuals classified as grade 0 on AREDS simplified grading. Group 0-A (N = 15) were identified as individuals with no visible macular anomalies whereas Group 0-B (N = 19) included individuals for whom the study eye observed minimal macular mottling, pigment changes or very small drusen (< 63 μm). There was no substantial difference between the mean age of the two groups (74.8 ± 5.2 years for 0-A vs 74.5 ± 4.4 for 0-B). The psychophysical test panel did not display substantial variations between individuals with and without limited macular changes.

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