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Early neurovascular changes in the retina in preclinical diabetic retinopathy and its relation with blood glucose

BMC Ophthalmology May 24, 2021

Li H, Yu X, Zheng B, et al. - In this cross-sectional study involving 97 diabetic patients (total of 188 eyes; 144 eyes in no diabetic retinopathy group, 44 eyes in mild diabetic non-proliferative retinopathy group) and 35 healthy individuals (70 eyes), researchers sought to examine the changes in retinal nerve fiber layer thickness and macular blood flow density during the preclinical stage of diabetic retinopathy and their association with blood glucose. This research demonstrates that retinal microvasculopathy and neuropathy can exist in the absence of retinopathy. Fasting blood glucose was negatively correlated with deep retinal vascular layer vessel density, while temporal retinal nerve fiber layer thickness was positively correlated with superficial retinal vascular layer vessel density. Endocrinologists and ophthalmologists can use these indicators to detect early diabetic retinal pathological lesions.

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