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Early life vitamin D status and asthma and wheeze: A systematic review and meta-analysis

BMC Pulmonary Medicine Jul 25, 2018

Shen SY, et al. - The effect of early life vitamin D status on asthma and wheeze later in life was assessed via analyzing randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and cohort studies with vitamin D level in blood (maternal or cord or infant) or intake (maternal intake during pregnancy or infant intake) and asthma and/or wheeze. Findings revealed no association between antenatal blood vitamin D level and asthma/wheeze in later life. However, the pooled estimates from cohort studies suggest that antenatal vitamin D intake might influence childhood asthma > 5 years or childhood wheeze. Previously reported non-linear association between blood vitamin D3 and childhood asthma may explain the inconsistent results from studies assessing vitamin D either in blood or intake.
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