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Early fetal ultrasound screening for major congenital heart defects without Doppler

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Feb 03, 2019

Fernández SG, et al. - In this prospective observational study conducted in the Fetal Medicine Unit of Cabueñes University Hospital, researchers examined the utility of transvaginal two-dimensional sonography without Doppler for assessing the four-chamber view and the outflow tract view of fetuses at 11–13 weeks of gestation for cardiac screening of major congenital heart defects. Including 663 low-risk pregnant women, they observed that using the transvaginal approach, the success rate of performing a four-chamber view was 89.4% and 82.4% for the outflow tract view, and using the transabdominal approach, the respective values were 77.8% and 61.5%. When performed by experienced sonographers, routine first-trimester ultrasonagraphy without Doppler was identified as effective for identifying major congenital heart defects. They recommend performing additional multicenter well-designed studies to clarify the feasibility of this approach.
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