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Earlier use of systemic immunosuppression is associated with fewer ophthalmic surgeries in paediatric non-infectious uveitis

British Journal of Ophthalmology Nov 08, 2019

Cheung CSY, et al. - Researchers performed a retrospective review on 48 children with non-infectious uveitis assessed in 1998–2013 in order to determine if in paediatric non-infectious uveitis, earlier initiation of systemic immunosuppression is associated with fewer ophthalmic surgeries. Patients with uveitis diagnosed before December 2008 included in group 1 and those diagnosed after January 2009 were included in group 2. They reviewed duration from uveitis onset to methotrexate initiation and biological addition. Group 1 vs group 2 had 69.5% vs 26.9% of patients, respectively, who required ≥ 1 ophthalmic surgery at 3.5 years. In multivariate regression, a lower likelihood of needing ophthalmic surgery at 3.5 years was evident in correlation to methotrexate initiation within 6 months of uveitis onset. In univariate regression, the likelihood of requiring ophthalmic surgery reduced with biological addition within 18 months of uveitis onset. These findings support earlier control of uveitis by the addition of immunosuppressive therapy to decrease the necessity for ophthalmic surgery.
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