E-cigarettes and smoking cessation: A prospective study of a national sample of pregnant smokers
BMC Public Health Jul 26, 2019
Chiang SC, et al. - In this secondary analysis of a national sample of pregnant smokers, researchers focused on the prevalence and patterns of electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use, as well as how these are linked to smoking cessation. Participants were followed-up for 1 month. At baseline, the use of e-cigarettes in the past 30 days and in the past 7 days was reported in 74 (17.29%) and 36 (8.41%) pregnant smokers, respectively. Quitting was reported as the main reason for using e-cigarettes during pregnancy. Findings revealed inconsistent use of e-cigarettes among the participants. Also, there was no link between the use of e-cigarettes and improved smoking cessation outcomes.
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