Dysregulation of miR-146a by periodontal pathogens: A risk for acute coronary syndrome
Journal of Periodontology Jul 25, 2019
Gita JB, et al. - Researchers conducted this case-control study to investigate the function of the inflammatory microRNA, miR-146a, in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients with and without chronic periodontitis (CP), a chronic inflammatory response to a polymicrobial dysbiotic biofilm in the oral cavity's subgingival environment that ultimately results in tooth loss, and its regulation of the innate immune host response to periodontal pathogens. Data were included from 264 patients, including 66 patients each with ACS only, ACS with CP patients, CP only and healthy patients (without ACS or CP). Findings suggested that miR-146a can be considered a pivotal molecule that modulates the immunoinflammatory response in patients with periodontitis and thus potentially increases the risk of ACS.
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