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Dysregulation of miR-146a by periodontal pathogens: A risk for acute coronary syndrome

Journal of Periodontology Apr 02, 2019

Gita JB, et al. - Researchers studied the role played by inflammatory microRNA, miR-146a, in individuals with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) with and without chronic periodontitis (CP) and how it regulated the innate immune host response to periodontal pathogens. In this case-control study, they reported a significant association of miR-146a in ACS patients with CP with an odds ratio 1.434, 95% confidence interval 1.013–2.030, P < 0.042, and a predictive percentage of 83.3% and ACS patients without CP with a predictive percentage of 76.0%. An upregulation with statistical significance was noted with the associated cytokines interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-α, and IL-1β.

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