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Duration of surgery affects the risk of complications following total hip arthroplasty

The Bone & Joint Journal Jun 06, 2019

Nowak LL, et al. - From the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database, researchers examined 131,361 patients, with a mean age of 65 years (sd 12), who underwent total hip arthroplasty (THA), to ascertain the influence of the operating time on the rate of complications and re-admissions. They noted a decrease in the mean operating time from 118.3 minutes (29.0 to 217.0) in 2006, to 89.6 minutes (20.0 to 240.0) in 2016. Observations revealed an independent predictive value of operating time of more than 90 minutes for major and minor complications, as well as for re-admission, following THA. An operating time of between 40 and 90 minutes was suggested as ideal.
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