Dupilumab-induced ocular surface disease (DIOSD) in patients with atopic dermatitis: clinical presentation, risk factors for development and outcomes of treatment with tacrolimus ointment
British Journal of Ophthalmology Oct 03, 2019
Nahum Y, et al. - In adult patients with atopic dermatitis (AD), researchers identified risk factors for the development of dupilumab-induced ocular surface disease (DIOSD) and characterized outcomes of treatment. This investigation was conducted at the Rabin Medical Center, Petach Tikva, Israel. From March 2018 to June 2019, adult patients with AD who received dupilumab were involved. To identify risk factors for DIOSD, univariate and multivariate analyses were used. According to this retrospective institutional cohort study, 16 of 37 patients had new or exacerbated symptoms of ocular surface disease beginning at 2 weeks following the first treatment. In patients with AD receiving dupilumab, DIOSD is common. Although most instances are mild, some patients may develop blepharoconjunctivitis that reacts well to ointment with tacrolimus. The severity of AD and previous AKC are DIOSD risk factors.
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