Dual triggering with GnRH agonist plus hCG vs triggering with hCG alone for IVF/ICSI outcome in GnRH antagonist cycles: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics Jun 15, 2018
Chen CH, et al. - In this work, available evidence from randomized controlled trials which have evaluated triggering of final oocyte maturation with concomitant GnRH agonists and hCG in patients undergoing IVF was summarized. In addition, whether or not dual triggering is as efficacious as hCG triggering in terms of oocyte and pregnancy outcomes was analyzed. Researchers performed a comprehensive literature search that yielded 4 studies including 527 patients eligible for inclusion in meta-analysis. As per findings, using GnRH agonists plus hCG resulted in comparable or significantly improved outcomes compared to hCG alone for triggering of final oocyte maturation.
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