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Dual mobility hip replacement in hip fractures offer functional equivalence and a stability advantage - A case-controlled study

Injury Jan 26, 2021

Stephens CEBG, Ashaye OJ, Ellenbogen TD, et al. - This study was carried out to determine whether dual mobility (DM) implants offer stability and/or functional advantages over standard total hip arthroplasty (THA) in patients with hip fracture. Local National Hip Fracture Database was applied to distinguish all patients undergoing either a standard or DM THA for hip fracture (n=477). The functional status using the oxford hip score (OHS) was the primary outcome. Dislocation, fracture, and deep infection requiring further surgery were considered as secondary outcome measures. This research indicates functional equivalence between DM and standard THA. In addition, it exhibits a trend towards less dislocation with DM THA. The results considered that cost savings from less instability may outweigh initial prosthesis costs. This research implies a suitably powered RCT applying instability as the primary outcome measure is indicated.

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