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DSM-5 personality disorders and traits in patients with severe health anxiety

The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Jan 30, 2020

Skjernov M, et al. - Given the possible association of severe health anxiety (SHA)/hypochondriasis (HY) with personality pathology, researchers appraised physician-referred psychiatric outpatients with SHA scheduled for a treatment study (n = 84) with the Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition (DSM-IV) axis II, Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5), Whiteley Index 7, and Short Health Anxiety Inventory, and the healthy controls (n = 84) with PID-5 only. Criteria for personality disorders were met by 71.4% of the patients: avoidant (22.6%), obsessive-compulsive (16.7%), depressive (16.7%), dependent (7.1%), paranoid (3.6%), borderline (2.4%), and not otherwise specified (32.1%). There was an association of the severity of personality pathology with severity of health anxiety. Group comparisons yielded the following factors as unique predictors of SHA: PID-5 trait domains of negative affectivity, detachment, low antagonism, and low disinhibition, and facets of anxiousness, separation insecurity, and low attention-seeking. Individuals with SHA/HY commonly exhibit personality pathology.
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