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Double-sided vertebral body tethering of double adolescent idiopathic scoliosis curves: Radiographic outcomes of the first 13 patients with 2 years of follow-up

European Spine Journal Feb 24, 2021

Pehlivanoglu T, Oltulu I, Erdag Y, et al. - A prospective cohort study was intended to describe the minimum 2 years’ results of double-sided vertebral body tethering (VBT) applied to double curves of 13 skeletally immature patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). Researchers enrolled 13 skeletally immature patients with AIS and double curves. Researchers detected double-sided VBT to provide 80% of thoracic (48.2° to 9.7°) and 82% of thoracolumbar–lumbar curve correction (45.3° to 8.2°) as a result of average two years. The results of this study exhibited that as being a growth modulating treatment option, double-sided VBT as used under strict inclusion criteria was shown to be safe and effective for the correction of double curves in skeletally immature patients with AIS, by yielding a gradual, growth-assisted correction of both curves together with the preservation of coronal–sagittal balance without any major complications.

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