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Double reinsertion including Whitnall’s ligament in aponeurotic ptosis surgery

Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology Jan 18, 2021

Pfeiffer N, Pfeiffer M, Sainz AR, et al. - In this analytical, observational, retrospective, cohort study, the researchers sought to assess the proposed surgery aponeurosis to Whitnall’s ligament (ATW) concerning the achievement of better palpebral elevations in the short and long term, but also with fewer recurrences than the classical aponeurosis to the tarsus (AT) surgery. Between 2000 and 2012, 722 consecutive cases of acquired aponeurotic palpebral ptosis were treated surgically and monitored for 5 years. In all cases studied with aponeurotic ptosis, the A-T-W technique obtained better results in terms of palpebral elevation and less recurrences relative to the A-T technique. In patients with large gaps in the upper transition zone, however, it especially demonstrates its superiority.

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