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Door To Detorsion time determine testicular survival

Urology Aug 16, 2019

Gold DD, Lorber A, Levine H, et al. - Data was gathered on 219 individuals who underwent surgery for testicular torsion from 1994 to 2014 by the researchers in order to discover the significance of the term of in-hospital management of individuals with testicular torsion for testes survival. Median "Door To Detorsion time" (DTD) was 135 minutes. In comparison with 160 minutes among individuals with a nonviable testis, median DTD time among individuals with a viable testis was 107 minutes. Independent factors correlated with testicular survival were both DTD time and duration of symptoms. For a nonviable testis, the adjusted odds ratio was 1.0048 for every minute of delayed management in the ED. Every 10 minutes of delay in the ED raised the likelihood of having a nonviable testis in exploration by 4.8%. Hence, DTD was concluded as an independent factor prognosticating testicular survival. To reduce the term of DTD, institutional efforts should be made. DTD should be acknowledged as a measure of the quality of care.
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