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Does sonography allow an objective and reproducible distinction between stable, hypermobile and unstable elbow joints?

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Jan 22, 2021

Stephanie K, Fabian P, Maximillian K, et al. - A prospective single-center study was performed to evaluate the application of sonography for the assessment of ligamentous instabilities of the elbow joint. Thus, asymptomatic (stable) and acute dislocated (unstable) elbows were analyzed by sonography. Researchers assessed a total of 72 elbows in 36 participants (23 females, 13 male, 40 years ± 17 [range, 18-82]). Fourty unaffected, asymptomatic elbow joints were included in group 1. For the assessment of ligamentous instability, sonography of the elbow joint is a valuable imaging tool. However, a distinction between healthy and hypermobile elbow joints is not possible and thus, obtaining a complete clinical history and assessment is vital. In order to access intraindividual variations, they further recommend comparing the affected elbow joint with the contralateral side.

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